Is an Affair Threatening to Split Your Marriage Apart?
Marriage Experts Reveal Untold Secrets on
How to Survive an Extramarital Affair...
...and Rebuild Your Marriage Again

Feeling Betrayed and Have No Idea Whether
Your Relationship Can Be Saved?
Wondering If You'll Ever Be Able to Trust Your Spouse Again?
We're Here to Help!

The How to Save Your Marriage When Your Partner Has Cheated on You Program Features Cutting-Edge Marriage-Saving Solutions Presented By:

Richard Wheeler - Clinical Psychologist

Richard Wheeler, marriage counselor

Richard Wheeler is a registered Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist who specializes in working with adults. He has been in private practice now for almost 30 years and works with those in transition, offers life coaching and support for those experiencing stress, anxiety, trauma, depression or problems in their relationships.

Andrew Rusbatch - Online Marriage Counselor

Andrew Rusbatch, helping couples heal their marriages

Andrew Rusbatch is the host of Save My Marriage Today Premium, and co-author of the original Save My Marriage Today! e-book. Andrew has been working closely alongside Amy and the Save My Marriage Today team since its inception, helping counsel hundreds of couples through a host of challenging marital issues.

Amy Waterman - Dating & Relationships Expert

Amy Waterman, expert relationship advice

Amy Waterman is the co-author of the original Save My Marriage Today! e-book, as well as the author of's How To Be Irresistible To Men and Seduction Genie. Her interests are creating love for women over thirty who may have been divorced or have children from a previous relationship. She's spoken on sexuality for women and couples and has been interviewed by leading podcasters.

Here's How You're Going to Get Through This
and Hold Your Marriage Together after an Affair RIGHT NOW...

February 01, 2025

Dear Friend,

I'm Andrew Rusbatch, and I'm here to help you get through this huge challenge in your marriage.

An affair is the single most painful betrayal you can experience in a marriage. When you said your vows, you committed to be together for better or for worse, but your partner broke their promise.

So what now? Will your partner leave you to be with the other person? Will you ever be able to trust them again? Isn't it true that "once a cheater, always a cheater"?

You're not alone any longer. My team of experts and myself are here to help you sort through this terrifying experience and understand exactly what you SHOULD and SHOULD NOT do to cope with the aftermath of an affair and get your marriage back on track again, if that's what you decide you want to do.

The decision to save a marriage and overcome the issues surrounding cheating is a difficult one. You're going to have to think clearly and get through the emotional morass while still holding your life together, especially if you have children together. Let us help you get through this and make clear decisions about how you and your partner are going to acknowledge what happened and work through the consequences

In our program on How to Save Your Marriage When Your Partner Has Cheated on You, clinical psychologist Richard Wheeler sits down with myself and Save My Marriage Today’s Amy Waterman and tackles in a clear, step-by-step manner the key issues that a couple must face if they are committed to saving the marriage.

Here's What's In Our Course

The 3-Part Course covers the following topics.

  • Understanding Why the Affair Occurred ... and Deciding Whether You and Your Partner Wish to Stay Together
  • Ten Steps to Save Your Relationship
  • Deciding What to Do Next: Points You NEED to Consider

You'll learn whether or not you should "get the gory details," whether or not a trial separation will help or harm you, and what to do if your partner continues to see the other person.

Plus, we discuss:

  • How to uncover any underlying issues that may have contributed to the affair and how to "proof" your marriage against future infidelity
  • How to talk to one another about the affair
  • The impact and realities of ending a marriage
  • Time-out and how to use it to benefit your marriage
  • How to leave the past behind and stop replaying it in your mind
  • How to rediscover the relationship you used to have

The course is in online video format which you can either watch online or download to your computer to watch any time. Even if you have a slow connection, each of the three half-hour programs are provided in low-resolution as well as high-resolution formats, for both Windows Media Player and Quicktime. Don't worry if you don't have either of those programs - we provide you with a link to download them for free!

Plus, if you prefer to read rather than watch the videos, we provide full transcripts of each program in the Study Guide, as well as exercises, a discussion guide, and recommended resources.

You're Not Alone - The Save My Marriage Today Team is Here to Help!

Discovering that your partner has been cheating can feel devastaing, but it's time for you to stop feel sorry for yourself and start taking action. Replaying the image of your partner cheating over and over again in your head isn't going to help. If you are going to survive this - and if, more importantly, your marriage is going to survive this - you need to respond appropriately.

That's why our team offers you concrete advice and steps you can take right now to stop the damage that the affair has caused and keep it from snowballing into greater anger, accusations, and potentially a messy divorce.

You've got to stop this from going any further. Your partner has had an affair, but that doesn't mean your marriage is over. You need to know exactly how to talk to your partner about the affair in a way that eliminates all deception and duplicity and puts you both back in honesty, open communication. Your marriage survival depends on it.

Before Continuing, Let Me Ask You This...

Do you really know what to do now that you've found out about the affair?

Personally, I don't know of any marriage courses that protect you against an affair from happening or even tell you what to do once an affair does happen.

None of us are taught what to do in the event of an affair. That's why it's so important that you get quality advice NOW ... e.g., avice from experts who deal with couples trying to rebuild their marriage after an affair on a daily basis ... not well-meaning advice from friends or family members who are trying to protect you.

If you think that the affair happened just because your partner was weak-willed, then it's time that you start to unravel the truth. There's always more to an affair than one partner's weak will. Your friends won't tell you what it is. Neither will your family. We will tell you the truth about why affairs happen, and it's up to you whether you want to face the facts about your marriage ... and its chance of survival.

What is repairing your marriage worth to you? Are you willing to throw it all away because you'd rather feel like a helpless victim rather than do something about it ?

Or are you ready to start taking action and doing something NOW to stop the damage your partner's infidelity has already caused and HEAL the rift that's torn you two apart?

I can't quantify the emotional cost of an affair to you, but I can quantify the cost of stopping the downward spiral of anger and blame. If you take your spouse to a marriage counselor, you are likely to end up paying around a hundred dollars per session ... and it's going to take more than one session to start you communicating again.

One hundred dollars? Two hundred dollars? What value would you place on getting over this feeling of powerlessness and instead start getting everything out in the open?

The team at Save My Marriage Today! is committed to getting marriages back on track, and because an affair is one of the worst forms of betrayal a couple can experience, we want to make this affordable to you.

That's why we're offering it for LESS than the cost of one session with a marriage counselor: just RRP $99.95 $79.95.

We WILL Help You - Or Your Money Back

Your "How To Save Your Marriage When Your Partner Has Cheated On You" Course Purchase is fully covered by a personal, risk-free, no questions asked 8-week 100% money-back GUARANTEE if you are not satisfied for any reason or if it doesn't live up to your expectations.100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

That's right: take up to 56 days to examine and use the techniques, exercises, and concepts in your marriage situation. Once you have used this course to decide what to do next about the affair and open an honest line of communication with your cheating spouse, I'm confident that you'll NEVER want to send it back.

Take action now and download your copy of our "How To Save Your Marriage When Your Partner Has Cheated On You" Course and gain the confidence and knowledge of how to bring back the love in your marriage.

You'll be astonished at the results ... and that's a promise.

YES: I Want To Start My Marriage Back on the Path to Healing with "How To Save Your Marriage When Your Partner Has Cheated On You"

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I completely understand my 100% Total Satisfaction or My Money Back Guarantee, where I can give this program my best shot and, if it doesn't give the results promised, I can get my money back.
I totally agree that my marriage is worth trying to save, and I want to access my How To Save Your Marriage When Your Partner Has Cheated On You Course Membership right now!

To conclude, please let me access this powerful program on what to do if I've discovered that my partner is having an affair, available to me now for the incredibly low one-time investment of only RRP $99.95 $79.95. Give me access immediately!

Stop Infidelity

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To Repairing Your Marriage!


Andrew Rusbatch
Co-author of Save My Marriage Today!

P.S. Keep in mind, if How To Save Your Marriage When Your Partner Has Cheated On You doesn't help you deal with the aftermath of the affair, open communication with your spouse, and move forward as much as you expect, you can advantage of our 100% Total Satisfaction, No Questions Asked Guarantee -- that's how completely convinced we are that this course will work for you. You have no risk, so download now.

P.S. Every Order Includes the Following:

Video Lessons: 1.5 hours of online, instantly-downloadable video discussion covering (1) Understanding Why the Affair Occurred and Deciding Whether You and Your Partner Wish to Stay Together, (2) Ten Steps to Save Your Relationship, and (3) Deciding What to Do Next: Points You NEED to Consider.


Study Guide: Build even further on the knowledge gained by reviewing the written transcript of the program, recommended resources, exercises and discussion questions. Take the information away from the screen and apply it to saving your marriage. Refer back to key points – over and over again.


Seek additional advice and help with our Members Consultation: Still unclear about how to apply the information to your case? Contact Andrew, Richard and Amy for more specific advice tailored to your specific situation. Let us help you get your marriage back on track to success.

Get Your Copy of How to Save Yor Marriage When Your Partner Has Cheated on You and Start Rebuilding the Trust and Love In Your Marriage Right Now!

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